Association News Rochester Chapter

Different sender, same Scam.  Once again, the email below is making the rounds to NYSCAR members, trying to sell NYSCAR membership lists. They are not from NYSCAR and are sent by different individuals. Disregard and delete!

From: Barbara Conley []
Sent: 06 November 2023 05:12
Subject: NYSCAR 2023 - Email List

Dear NYSCAR Member,

This is regarding New York State Commercial Association of Realtors 2023 E-mails and Contacts database available now. Information fields include: Contact name, Company name, Job Title, Company Mailing, Verified E-mails, Contact number and more.

If you are interested just reply back as “Send Counts and Cost"


Barbara Conley | Event Specialist

AI for Real Estate Agents  -- A Guide to Leveraging AI to Stay Ahead of the Curve

From the RAC NYSCAR Technology Committee

October 23, 2023

Dear WNYSCAR Members and Friends:

Please join us in remembering our Friend and CBRE-Buffalo Colleague for more than 20 years, Robert J. Starzynski, who recently passed away. View his obituary.

If you would like to pay your respects, visitation hours will be Friday, October 27, 2023 from 4-6 p.m. at Kaiser Funeral Home, 1950 Whitehaven Road on Grand Island. A memorial service will take place in the Chapel, Forest Lawn Cemetery in Buffalo at 11 a.m. on Saturday, October 28, 2023.

In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Grand Island Fire Company which provides fire, EMS, and 9-1-1 services to the Community

Please keep Bob and his Family in your thoughts and prayers.

Thank you,
WNYSCAR 2023 Board of Directors
Joseph Jacobi, Jr., President


RAC NYSCAR would like to congratulate all of our Award Honorees!  We are excited to celebrate their excellence in Commercial Real Estate at our Awards Gala this year.  They are:

  1. Allan D. Moore Lifetime Achievement Award:  Roger Brandt
  2. Commercial Realtor Of The Year:  Pete Gillett
  3. Deal Of The Year:  Alex Amorese
  4. Lease Of The Year:  Mercedes Brien
  5. Sale Of The Year:  John Antetomaso
  6. Affiliate Of The Year:  Scott DeVinney
  7. Best New Talent:  Evan Schaefer
  8. Meritorious Service Award:  Matt Drouin

If you have not tried ChatGPT, you should.  If you are not comfortable with making prompts to ChatGPT, try the RPR® (Realtors Property Resource®) version where you can get market trends and scripts for video.

James Walker, Immediate NYSCAR Past President and Board of Governors member has passed away after a long illness. Look for more complete information to follow from NYSCAR shortly. Please keep James and his family in your thoughts and prayers.




RPR® (Realtors Property Resource®) offers Commercial practitioners a wealth of data and tools, including access to over 850K Commercial listings and 56M off-market properties. Plus, consumer data insights, site selection and mapping tools, Trade Area Reports, POIs, traffic count data, and the list goes on. But, you know what? There’s always room for more! We’re bringing even more data sets to the Commercial side of our platform. Find out more ...

From the RAC NYSCAR Technology Committee:

Marketing in the digital age we are in, people constantly receive and send text messages. A more recent court ruling has strengthened the concept of one wrong text message could be construed as a violation of the TCPA laws. See this article for the full story.

To All RAC NYSCAR Members:

We are extremely sad to report the passing of David Sloan, a former RAC NYSCAR member, who still has many colleagues in our organization.  Dave was an original RAC NYSCAR member at its inception in 1999.  Dave also earned many accolades in his tenure in real estate, including earning both CCIM (1991) and CEA (1993) designations, was 1993 President of the Greater Rochester CCIM network, was the Top RE/Max Commercial Producer/Agent in 1996 and 2000 and honored in the1996 RE/Max Platinum Club (pictured with his wife, Jane, at the banquet).  At the time of his passing, he was an active Broker of his firm, Sloan Commercial Brokers.

His daughter, Christina Holden, also a former RAC NYSCAR member, has shared this information with us.  Please click this link for Dave’s obituary and to leave a memory of Dave.  For any of you who would like to reach out to Christina directly, please use one of these email addresses:, or
